Domain Name Scorecard - Domain Name Analysis

Do you know what’s your domain name Score?

At they offer you a service where you can check your domain name scorecard, that is a domain name analysis for your domain name. They also will provide you a solutions how to improve you domain name scorecard score.

Network Solutions’ Domain Name Scorecard is some sort of quiz that will tells you how well your domain name is helping your business succeed online for free. After entering your main domain name, 3 simple questions will be given where then you’ll receive a domain scorecard that analyzes your domain name in 6 key areas of domain name success.

First they’ll give you an Overall Score, that from 1 to 10 … Then a Summary of Extension Score, Brand Protection Score, and Descriptive Domains Score. After that according to your score result and answers, you will have some suggestions to improve your score.

There are more services available in this site beside Domain Name Scorecard. You can even register or renew your domain name. You also can sign up to their web hosting package, emails, website, do it yourself web sites, design your website, e-commmerce website and more.

Post source: Domain Name Scorecard - Domain Name Analysis

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